There are two other sites with lots of his work. The Libertarian has his recent columns. The Vindex contains columns up to April 19, 1998.
I found the following at the Vindex. Very appropriate for tax time. The article covers which federal laws Vin would get rid of first. He would require all federal judges to inform juries that it is their right and duty to rule on the constitutionality of the law before considering the guilt of the alledged law-breaker, eliminate the income tax & the IRS, eliminate the drug laws and the DEA, restore the second amendment, and eliminate the ATF. Seems like a good start to me...
After that, eliminating the IRS and its claimed authority, the 16th Amendment, would be paramount, since that would starve the beast.How refreshing!The degree of slavery and invasion of privacy to which we have grown accustomed under that regime is incalculable. Imagine being asked by a federal agent, "What's your address? Show me some ID. What's your Social Security number? How much did you earn last year?" and being able to reply: "None of those things are any of your business. I have no 'number.' I won't tell you whether I use any bank, or if so where. Yes, I happen to have $400,000 in cash in this bag, with no record of where I got it, or what I plan to do with it. And if you try to take a single dollar, I will shoot you dead, and every man here will buy me a beer for my trouble. Any other questions?"
Another favorite of mine is on page 18 of his book Send in the Waco Killers:
This does not mean that "Marijuana should be available by prescription." It means that morphine sulfate should be available in five pound bags at the supermarket for a couple of bucks, like sugar... but probably in a different aisle, to avoid confusion.Send in the Waco Killers is described here. You can get it at Laissez Faire Books or at