Programming Languages
Links concerning programming languages. This covers only the handful of programming
languages in which I have an active interest.
Go home
- Macintosh Common Lisp
- MCL's current home.
- Rainer Joswig's Lisp page
- One of the best Lisp pages I know of.
- Adam Alpern's Stuff
- Another good lisp page.
- David B. Lamkins' Home Page
- Includes reviews of MCL and comparison to Franz lisp.
- Lisp FAQ
- Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM)
- The ANSI spec in HTML. Thank you Kent Pitman!
- SK8 Download Page
- SK8 is a large project at Apple written in MCL. It is no longer being worked on. Instead, Apple is giving away the source code. Go figure.
- MacTech magazine (
- Fast Floating Point Processing in Common Lisp
- Marty Hall's Common Lisp page
- CLOS-Optimizations.text
- InterBook homepage
- Inside Macintosh Home Page at Aple
- Compiling Scheme to the JAVA virtual machine
- Cycorp, Inc. (Doug Lenat's CYC company)
- IDL Lisp mapping
- My OpenDoc/SOM/CORBA page at Digitool. Lots of links. The page is obsolete since I no longer plan to work on OpenDoc.
- Inter-Language Unification -- ILU
- Scott Lawton's OpenDoc essays
- OpenDoc Resource Links - ACL at Los Alamos
- CORBA page - ACL at Los Alamos
- SOMe OpenDoc's on the Web (IBM)
- ILU Reference Manual - Table of Contents
- Inter-Language Unification -- ILU
- IDL/C++ Mapping: Appendix D
- develop June 96 - OpenDoc Parts and SOM DynamicÉ
- Learning to Love SOM
- OpenDoc intro from Dev. Univ.
- New OpenDoc Book: Byte Guide to OpenDoc
- Welcome to OMG's Home Page
- The Role of Distributed Lisp in Open HypermedÉ
- Open Transport docs
- ""
- ""
- Dylan is a programming language developed at the Apple Cambridge Research lab, where I worked from 1989-1995. Apple closed the lab just as we were about to ship an incredible Dylan development system.
- Harlequin's Dylan (Windows)
- Gwydion - CMU's Dylan (Unix)
- Java is finally pulling the C/C++ masses from their portable assembler to a real high level language. It's about time. Java doesn't suck.
- Asymetrix Supercede
- This is the only Java development environment I know of that has a clue about how to develop code for a dynamic language. There are other good "develop java like you would C++" systems, but this one lets you modify your code without destroying your data.
- Welcome to AppleJava
- Apple's Java page.
- The Bleeding Edge (Apple Java)
- Where Apple puts pre-release version of the Macintosh Runtime for Java (MRJ).
- Kawa, the Java-based Scheme system
- A scheme that compiles to Java bute codes. No tail recursion, but other than that a full Scheme.
- Gamelan.html
- A good source for free Java code.
- HTTPClient V0.2
- A more full-featured HTTP client than the one that's built into the package.
- Java Foundation Classes
- Lotus desktop demo
- RandomNoise Home Page
- 100% Java web page designer
- javadoc-The Java API Documentation Generator
- JRad Technologies, Inc.
- WebLogic Developers Guides Table of Contents
- The Java Repository
- Java Object Persistence
- ObjectSpace - JGL, the Generic Collection LibraÉ
- PartBank - your Java component software source
- Jeff Aronoff's Java Web Site
- JXXX Welcome Page
- Java Lab
- Java Oasis
- The night I discovered TransFrame I was completely blown away. I consider it to be the best general purpose programming language that I've ever seen. The language is still under development.
- Transframe Technology Home Page
- Where TransFrame is happenning.
- Transframe Language Forum
- Lots of articles by David L. Shang, the inventor of TransFrame.
- PARC - Selected Research in Open Implementation
- I found TransFrame via a link on this page at Xerox PARC.
- Info
- The only mailing address I've seen for Transframe. My mail to it has never been answered.
- Frontier is Dave Winer's scripting language. It is also very useful for creating and maintaining web sites. If I were planning to change this site very often, I'd probably use Frontier.
- News
- Dave Winer's news site
- Frontier Tutorial
- Frontier: The Crawler Suite
- Frontier Community Center
- Low Tech Object DB Server
- A Land of MacBird Cards
- Recent Mail Messages
- Frontier mailing list server
- I've never written any Perl, though I downloaded it recently to start learning. Perl is the most Common language for writing CGI scripts, i.e. code to generate web pages dynamically.
- MacPerl FTP site
CGI stuff
- CGI is the Common Gateway Interface. It allows web pages to invoke code on the web server. CGI code is often written in perl, but can also be written in AppleScript, Frontier, a Unix shell, etc., etc.
- The CGI Resource Index: Programs and Scripts: PÉ
- The CGI Collection
- The Common Gateway Interface