This is a raw export of my URL Manager bookmark file with a local files and passwords removed.
There are likely lots of dead links here. I haven't yet run BigBrother on it.
Go home
Sampled on 6/29/97.
- Shri Ram Chandra Mission
- Karla is famous
- Zero Population Growth - Boston Chapter
- The Case for the Preventability of Myopia
- My GeoCities Page
- My Tripod page
Search Engines/Indices
- Alta Vista:Advanced Query Page
- Still my favorite search engine. It's fast and it usually finds what I'm looking for.
- Switchboard
- The first place I look for telephone numbers.
- Reference: People Finder (at wired)
- Wired's page of people directories.
- HotBot
- InterNIC whois interface
- How to find who owns an internet domain.
- WWWebster Dictionary - Search screen
- Webster's dictionary on the web!
- Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases
- WebCrawler Searching
- BIG Yellow
- Four11 Directory Services
- WebCrawler Searching
- Virtual Library/CyberWeb: WWW Development
- WEBula
WWII Skyfighters
- WWII Skyfighters
- 509th Wardogs
- WWII Skyfighters training
- 509th Wardogs - score posting script
- Training book
- Air Combat Tactics (ACT) Tips
- WarDogs Squad Roster
- WarDogs Squad Roster (
- CWW WWIISkyFighters Competition Ladder
- Global Mac Games WWII Skyfighter Ladder
- Daffy's SkyFighters Site
- Sandman's SkyFighters Page
- JMack's home page
- Congo Bob's Skyfighter Page
- Cyber Marine Air Wing
- Cassandra - SkyFighters files here
- beta4 at Cassandra
- Paintjobs
- Cyber Wings of the World
- Flight Unlimited
- X-plane
- Virtual Wings - Not yet available
- Screamin' Demons (Activision Follows Flight Path)
- High Resolution Upgrades for Air Warrior
- Welcome to Kali! (
- Rip's New Car!
Macintosh News
- I read these every day, usually in this order.
- Dave Winer's Scripting news
- This is the first place I go every day. Dave is the author of Frontier, the first and best system level scripting language for the Mac (soon Windows too). I love his DaveNet articles.
- Dr. Fun - today's comic
- LOL!
- MacOS Rumours
- These guys get the scoop on Mac news before anybody. I read this even though it's on the MacSurfer page.
- The Fly on the Mac
- More good Mac rumours.
- Welcome to Webintosh!
- Another site that I read even though it's on the MacSurfer page.
- MacSurfer's Headline Newsª
- News central for the Macintosh. Pointers to Mac-related articles, summaries of a bunch of other sites. Pointers to every Mac site imaginable, and pointers to other computer industry news.
- MACaroni
- I don't remember what sets this site apart from the others. I only remember that it's fun to go here.
- MacSpectre
- Another fun Mac news site.
- Packet: Garfinkle Archive (Tuesdays)
- Simson Garfinkle writes an interesting essay almost every Tuesday.
- Apple Quote from
- A fast, free, 20 minute delayed Apple stock ticker.
Mainstream news
- The New York Times on the Web
- My favorite web-based newspaper. You need an account to read it, but accounts are still free.
- Mercury Center
- The San Jose Mercury News. Even when I worked for Apple, I heard about lots of Apple scoops here first. They charge for their breaking news. Sluts.
- Columbia County Forecast
- Proabably not interesting unless you live near me.
Mac news memorial
- These sites are no more.
- The MacOS Daily
- The MIC (Macintosh Internet Connection)
MacSurfer summarized news sites
- Sites that I used to read every day until I noticed that they're summarized on the MacSurfer page.
- MacInTouch Home Page
- Ric Ford's news page. Used to be the first thing I read after Dave Winder's page until I noticed it was on the MacSurfer page
- The O'Grady PowerPage Rocks!
- PowerBook news and more
- MacFixIt (Home Page)
- News about bugs and fixes in Mac software and hardware.
- Macworld Daily News
More Macintosh News
- I read these occasionally.
- Boffo News
- MacInsider
- MacAddict
- Upside Online - Daily News
- Today on HotWired!
- Wired Magazine's web site. I love the magazine, but I rarely visit the web site.
- Apple takes the NeXT Step
- This is now called yet another Mac Zine or some such. I've kept the name it had around the time that Apple bought Next.
- Rhapsodic!
- Rhapsody.Info - Mondays
- MacMania: Home
- THE RED HERRING Magazine's News page
- Welcome to MacUserWeb
- InfoWorld Electric Page One
- General computer industry news. Used to read it every day, but haven't looked at it in a while.
- Apple Featured Items
- ComVista: Mac Internet Resource Database
- AAPL ticker from PCQuote
Other news sites
- Alertbox: UI Design Issues (monthly)
- Don Knuth's Home Page
- The San Francisco Chronicle
- The Washington Post
- HotWired's WebMonkey
- The Telegraph (London)
- CNN Interactive
- Brewster's Internet Archive
- CDnow! The Internet Music Store
- Slate - Microsoft's magazine
- Clinton-Gore Campaign home page
- Bob Dole campaign home page
- Monty Python Web Site
- URL Manager Home Page
- Apple Flavored Java
- Wall Street Journal
- Newshare(SM): The American Reporter
- Nando: McClatchy Newspapers, Inc.
- Boston Globe
- Detroit News
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- Star Tribute (Minneapolis)
- American Reporter
- Weather Now Results - NEW LEBANON, NY (12125)
- National Weather Service Forecast Office Albany
- wea_sites.html
- weather.html
- I don't read Usenet news very often. When I do, these are what I usually read.
- comp.lang.dylan
- The Dylan programming language.
- comp.lang.lisp
- Discussion of the Lisp programming language.
- comp.lang.lisp.mcl
- Discussion of Macintosh Common Lisp.
- The Be operating system.
- comp.sys.mac.advocacy
- I use my pilot every day, primarily for phone numbers, but also for notes. I like the Newton a little better, but there is no shirt pocket sized Newton.
- US Robotics Pilot page
- U.S. Robotics makes the pilot
- Adam's USR Pilot Software Archive
- AMUG's Pilot page
- Stinger Software archive
- EJ's Pilot Web Page Directory (good)
- Pilot MemoWareHouse
- Commercial Spreadsheet $49.95
- Alexander Scott Hinds's Bookmarks
- Emulators page
Programming Languages
- I write software for a living. Here are links I've collected on different programming languages.
- Macintosh Common Lisp
- MCL's current home.
- Rainer Joswig's Lisp page
- One of the best Lisp pages I know of.
- Adam Alpern's Stuff
- Another good lisp page.
- David B. Lamkins' Home Page
- Includes reviews of MCL and comparison to Franz lisp.
- Lisp FAQ
- Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM)
- The ANSI spec in HTML. Thank you Kent Pitman!
- SK8 Download Page
- SK8 is a large project at Apple written in MCL. It is no longer being worked on. Instead, Apple is giving away the source code. Go figure.
- MacTech magazine (
- Fast Floating Point Processing in Common Lisp
- Marty Hall's Common Lisp page
- CLOS-Optimizations.text
- InterBook homepage
- Inside Macintosh Home Page at Aple
- Compiling Scheme to the JAVA virtual machine
- Cycorp, Inc. (Doug Lenat's CYC company)
- IDL Lisp mapping
- My OpenDoc/SOM/CORBA page at Digitool. Lots of links. The page is obsolete since I no longer plan to work on OpenDoc.
- Inter-Language Unification -- ILU
- Scott Lawton's OpenDoc essays
- OpenDoc Resource Links - ACL at Los Alamos
- CORBA page - ACL at Los Alamos
- SOMe OpenDoc's on the Web (IBM)
- ILU Reference Manual - Table of Contents
- Inter-Language Unification -- ILU
- IDL/C++ Mapping: Appendix D
- develop June 96 - OpenDoc Parts and SOM DynamicÉ
- Learning to Love SOM
- OpenDoc intro from Dev. Univ.
- New OpenDoc Book: Byte Guide to OpenDoc
- Welcome to OMG's Home Page
- The Role of Distributed Lisp in Open HypermedÉ
- Open Transport docs
- ""
- ""
- Dylan is a programming language developed at the Apple Cambridge Research lab, where I worked from 1989-1995. Apple closed the lab just as we were about to ship an incredible Dylan development system.
- Harlequin's Dylan (Windows)
- Gwydion - CMU's Dylan (Unix)
- Java is finally pulling the C/C++ masses from their portable assembler to a real high level language. It's about time. Java doesn't suck.
- Asymetrix Supercede
- This is the only Java development environment I know of that has a clue about how to develop code for a dynamic language. There are other good "develop java like you would C++" systems, but this one lets you modify your code without destroying your data.
- Welcome to AppleJava
- Apple's Java page.
- The Bleeding Edge (Apple Java)
- Where Apple puts pre-release version of the Macintosh Runtime for Java (MRJ).
- Kawa, the Java-based Scheme system
- A scheme that compiles to Java bute codes. No tail recursion, but other than that a full Scheme.
- Gamelan.html
- A good source for free Java code.
- HTTPClient V0.2
- A more full-featured HTTP client than the one that's built into the package.
- Java Foundation Classes
- Lotus desktop demo
- RandomNoise Home Page
- 100% Java web page designer
- javadoc-The Java API Documentation Generator
- JRad Technologies, Inc.
- WebLogic Developers Guides Table of Contents
- The Java Repository
- Java Object Persistence
- ObjectSpace - JGL, the Generic Collection LibraÉ
- PartBank - your Java component software source
- Jeff Aronoff's Java Web Site
- JXXX Welcome Page
- Java Lab
- Java Oasis
- The night I discovered TransFrame I was completely blown away. I consider it to be the best general purpose programming language that I've ever seen. The language is still under development.
- Transframe Technology Home Page
- Where TransFrame is happenning.
- Transframe Language Forum
- Lots of articles by David L. Shang, the inventor of TransFrame.
- PARC - Selected Research in Open Implementation
- I found TransFrame via a link on this page at Xerox PARC.
- Info
- The only mailing address I've seen for Transframe. My mail to it has never been answered.
- Frontier is Dave Winer's scripting language. It is also very useful for creating and maintaining web sites. If I were planning to change this site very often, I'd probably use Frontier.
- News
- Dave Winer's news site
- Frontier Tutorial
- Frontier: The Crawler Suite
- Frontier Community Center
- Low Tech Object DB Server
- A Land of MacBird Cards
- Recent Mail Messages
- Frontier mailing list server
- I've never written any Perl, though I downloaded it recently to start learning. Perl is the most Common language for writing CGI scripts, i.e. code to generate web pages dynamically.
- MacPerl FTP site
CGI stuff
- CGI is the Common Gateway Interface. It allows web pages to invoke code on the web server. CGI code is often written in perl, but can also be written in AppleScript, Frontier, a Unix shell, etc., etc.
- The CGI Resource Index: Programs and Scripts: PÉ
- The CGI Collection
- The Common Gateway Interface
Drop Basket
- This is where URL manager puts URL's by default. In other words, these are all the links I haven't categorized yet.
- VirtualPC: Platform Doubler
- Ram Dass Information Site #1
- Resume for Jean Renard Ward
- Creatures Home Page
- WWDC 1997 Trip Report
- Apple Flavored Java
- Draft Java Coding Standard
- Java Lab
- Marty Lebowitz, CIS, Career Openings
- Monolith Internet Services
- BovineOne's Nifty RC5 Cracking Page!
- Welcome to The Dirty Bird's Nest
- #windows family album
- JenniCAM
- Cody's Color QuickCam Page!
- Order OrbitPak
- Black Prince Chainmail
- LTODBS for: suites.spider
- Getting Started with Java(tm)
- The List (Internet Service Providers)
- The Cyberdog Pound
- The Better Business Bureau
- DCOM links to CORBA hint of object interoperability trend (InfoWorld)
- PowerLoom - Lisp and CORBA
- Tig's Children's Mac Shareware Page
- Dr. Shareware's Download Sites
- Andy's Netscape HTTP Cookie Info
- Microsoft¨ Internet Explorer
- A Kinder, Gentler HTML Validator
- I foud this on Donald Knuth's home page
- GifBuilder
- Builds animated GIFs
Below here not commented yet
- Safe Sites For Kids
Parallel Understanding Systems Group
Department of Computer Science,
University of Maryland at College Park
SHOE stands for:
Sacred Spirit
- All the Hotels on the Web
- (Bob Allison's Home Page) Tips For Web Spinners
- Sacred Spirit home page
- RealAudio Home Page
- Christian Music Online Welcome Page
- Tower Records
NetScape Stuff
- Netscape Development Partners Net Site
- Enabling Security in your Netscape Navigator 2.
- Netscape Navigator FTP
Grateful Dead
- The world of owlmed
- Grateful Dead Almanac
- Official Grateful Dead Home Page
- Made with Macintosh
- Guy Kawasaiki's EvangeList Page
- Macos8
- Cyberdog - What's New
- OpenDoc - What's New
- Macintosh Vendor Directory
- Apple Developer Services and Products
- New Technology using PowerPC
- QuickDraw 3D Sample Viewer Applications
- Macintosh Technical Notes
- New Tech Note Template
- Apple Tech Info Library
- Macintosh System Error Codes Explained (10/94)
Other people's bookmarks
- John Miller's PC info
- Simson's Favorite Sites
HTML & HTTP servers
- Tables in Netscape 1.1
- Welcome to Netscape Navigator Version 1.1
- CL-HTTP abstract
- Common LISP Hypermedia Server
- How to Create Web Services
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML): Working and Background Materials
- HTML Editor for the Macintosh
- Macintosh WWW Development Resources
- HTML Examples
- Net Tips for Writers and Designers
- HTML Index
- Guides to Writing HTML Documents
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML): Working and Background Materials
- Directory of /pub/www/Tools/Editors/SoftQuad/hotmetal
Dynamic HTML - Java, etc.
- Evolution Essay
- Codeworks -- Introduction
- WEBOBJECTS Information
Assorted interesting home pages
- HotWired: Preferences
- The Usual Suspects - Symbolics
- Mercury Center Home Page
- net.Genesis Corporate Information Page
- Zima Diversions
- The Global Village Home Page
- Welcome to HotWired
- MacWEEK Home Page
- Playboy
- Penthouse
- sci.nanotech
- MCI Developers Lab Tile 100
- Xerox PARC Map Viewer: world 0.00N 0.00E (1.0X)
- Open Implementation Home Page (MOP)
- Monster job search database
- FedWorld Beta Home Page
- Executive Office of the President
- Freeways - Alamo Rental Car
- DigiCash ecash - ecash home page
- DigiCash publications - achieving electronic privacy
- DigiCash - company brochure
Dinosaurs & other kid stuff
- Directory of /pub/systems/mac/info-mac/_Education/_Young
- animals-n-sound.hqx.abs.html
- Teleport Kidspace
- New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
- isgshome.html
- Dino Russ's GIFs.html
- alphabet-pro-20.hqx.abs.html
Web service providers
- I bookmarked these long ago. Many are probably dead.
- Cambridge Area List of WWW Resources
- Connix
- WebSpace(tm) Home
- Commercial Services on the Net
- Software Tool & Die: Home Page
- Welcome to Web Communications
- WebScope Services/Pricing Information
- Internet Access
- //
- //
FTP sites
- Alta Vista: Main Page
- UI Archive Info-Mac index Browser
- MIT Hyperarchive info-mac browser
- Frame On-Line Services Macintosh Filesystem
- Directory of /info-mac
- FTP to
- Directory of /pub/software/Oberon/OberonF
- Directory of /SimTel/win3
- Aladdin
- ID Software - The Main Page
- Yahooligans!
- LucasArts - Product Spotlights
- Gamer's Place
- havoc-preview.sit.hqx
- pegleg-demo-1.05-fat.sit.hqx
- sensory-overload-demo-1.0.sit.h
- Harlequin Recruitment
- net.Form Data Sheet
- FM5.01.hqx
- Four11 White Page Directory
- /files/commercial-demos/games-educ/
- Random Access
- 0225lewis.html
- IRS - The Digital Daily
- Dave Barry Page
- Welcome to iGuide
- CNNfn - Resource Center
- War & Emergency Powers Report