Bill St. Clair's Home Page
Welcome to my home page.
About Me
I live in the Berkshire mountains with my wife Karla, son Christopher (5), and daughter
Victoria (< 1). I love to play my flute for Victoria along with Andreas Vollenweider,
Kenny G, Michael Franks, and other smooth jazz recordings. I also play Color My World
for her on piano, and
Puff the Magic Dragon and The House of the Rising Sun on guitar for her and Christpoher.
Christopher often covers my mouth when I sing or puts his hand over the guitar strings
when I play. I wish he wouldn't. Occasionally I pick up my trombone, the only instrument
that I am actually technically proficient at playing.
I work for Digitool, Inc., the makers of Macintosh Common Lisp (MCL).
I built this site with a simple HTML editor that I wrote in MCL one afternoon.
I work primarily from our home.
Here's my resume.
I spend lots of my spare time flying the
WWII Skyfighters
flight sim. Karla hates it when I stay up into the wee hours of the morning blasting
my flying buddies out of the sky (actually, it's more often me who gets blasted), but
I have a great time.
Spirituality is important to both Karla and me. I practice with the
Shri Ram Chandra Mission.
Karla practices with the Sufi Order International. We live
at the Abode of the Message , a Sufi Order Spiritual Community in an old Shaker village.
This page tells about the hardware and software I use to work and play.
I keep track of my bookmarks with Alco Blom's URL Manager. I like it
much better than the bookmark features built in to Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
It's shareware, so you can try it for free. All my link pages were created by exporting bookmarks
from URL Manager and slightly editing the result.